[The posts for this month are reposts from the site www.honotogroabemo.org, on which a host of hirsute individuals including yours truly would grow beards to raise money for breast cancer research. The site is defunct, but I thought I’d resurrect the game-related posts. This was originally posted on 2011-12-01.]
(We three, we happy three, we band of bearded brothers)
It is over. The beards have been grown, the money has been collected, another HoNoToGroABeMo is over. And now, time for some congratulations and some thank yous and some final business. Read the rest of this entry »
[The posts for this month are reposts from the site www.honotogroabemo.org, on which a host of hirsute individuals including yours truly would grow beards to raise money for breast cancer research. The site is defunct, but I thought I’d resurrect the game-related posts. This was originally posted on 2011-11-30.]
(As you can see, the camera is focused on me, not my furry sidekick)
Well, it’s the last day. Time for one last game. One more trip saving the galaxy. One more day being heroic, because that, my friend, is how I roll. I will be back one last time tomorrow to count the lucre, thank the contributors, and sum up this (as always) great experience. Read the rest of this entry »
[The posts for this month are reposts from the site www.honotogroabemo.org, on which a host of hirsute individuals including yours truly would grow beards to raise money for breast cancer research. The site is defunct, but I thought I’d resurrect the game-related posts. This was originally posted on 2011-11-29.]
(Look at my shirt, my shirt is amazing.)
First up, thanks so much to those who donated today. I’ve added an additional $95 to my total, and the anti-cancer forces greatly appreciate it. To celebrate, I’ve decided that my shirt needed a little more panache. Unfortunately, I’m out of white plumes, so I made a different sort of alteration. Read the rest of this entry »
[The posts for this month are reposts from the site www.honotogroabemo.org, on which a host of hirsute individuals including yours truly would grow beards to raise money for breast cancer research. The site is defunct, but I thought I’d resurrect the game-related posts. This was originally posted on 2011-11-28.]
(Two steps to a Long Island iced tea…)
I also had to get back to work today and I wasn’t quite ready. Time for a drink, I think. Or perhaps a mixture? Read the rest of this entry »
[The posts for this month are reposts from the site www.honotogroabemo.org, on which a host of hirsute individuals including yours truly would grow beards to raise money for breast cancer research. The site is defunct, but I thought I’d resurrect the game-related posts. This was originally posted on 2011-11-27.]
(Not a lot of orthographic camera lenses out there)
So here’s Game Two for today. The camera angle here is the only clue. But my beard looks nice, don’t you think? Makes you want to donate, perhaps? Read the rest of this entry »
[The posts for this month are reposts from the site www.honotogroabemo.org, on which a host of hirsute individuals including yours truly would grow beards to raise money for breast cancer research. The site is defunct, but I thought I’d resurrect the game-related posts. This was originally posted on 2011-11-27.]
(Less angel and devil than foe and foe)
So I took a day off a week or so ago, and promised that I’d add an extra game to make up. As this is the last weekend in the month, this is probably the last day I can do this. So here you are, two games and two pictures for today. This also makes up for missing Day 0 (Jeff, please take note).
For this picture, I should really be wearing white and carrying a jackhammer, but hopefully my friends — or should I say enemies? — should help give you a clue. The guy on my shoulder should really be wearing yellow goggles as well, but I didn’t have any in his size. Read the rest of this entry »
[The posts for this month are reposts from the site www.honotogroabemo.org, on which a host of hirsute individuals including yours truly would grow beards to raise money for breast cancer research. The site is defunct, but I thought I’d resurrect the game-related posts. This was originally posted on 2011-11-26.]
(dJim/dt = 3)
I’ve divided myself into three parts to mourn what I believe is the end of a great game. Fantasy Flight is having a huge sale, and all the expansions for this game are on that list. Doesn’t bode well for the future of the title, that’s for sure. Read the rest of this entry »
[The posts for this month are reposts from the site www.honotogroabemo.org, on which a host of hirsute individuals including yours truly would grow beards to raise money for breast cancer research. The site is defunct, but I thought I’d resurrect the game-related posts. This was originally posted on 2011-11-25.]
(Somebody fade me)
Some days you can produce easily, some days it takes a little more effort. Today is in the latter category. Read the rest of this entry »
[The posts for this month are reposts from the site www.honotogroabemo.org, on which a host of hirsute individuals including yours truly would grow beards to raise money for breast cancer research. The site is defunct, but I thought I’d resurrect the game-related posts. This was originally posted on 2011-11-24.]
Ssshhh… Jim spent the day cooking and eating and then football came on… he’ll be back tomorrow with more gaming beards. Until then, enjoy this article on the origin of pie.
[The posts for this month are reposts from the site www.honotogroabemo.org, on which a host of hirsute individuals including yours truly would grow beards to raise money for breast cancer research. The site is defunct, but I thought I’d resurrect the game-related posts. This was originally posted on 2011-11-23.]
(Where’s that confounded… er, what’s that word again?)
First a big thank you to Daniel and Megan, who have contributed greatly to the cause. Perhaps that’s enough to carry me through to the end, but perhaps I could use a little more financial encouragement, if you know what I mean.
Saw The Muppets today, and it was most excellent. A highly recommended movie for those who wish to entertain either kids or the nostalgic. The “Lithium” reference was also inspiration enough for me to pick up the guitar again (of which, only part is related to today’s game). Read the rest of this entry »