Archive for December, 2011


A Month of Vintage Gaming

   Posted by: Jim   in General

You may have heard of Movember. Well, a group of us do our own little thing we call “How Not To Grow A Beard Month,” where like Movember we grow facial hair for charity (yeah, not the most challenging event), but in our case it’s breast cancer rather than testicular cancer.

So what does this have to do with games? Well, some of us think just growing facial hair for a month isn’t enough effort, so we try to blog every day for the month as well. And my theme this year was vintage games, where I would post a picture representing a vintage game each day, and reveal it the next.

November is over, so it’s too late to contribute financially, but if you want to check out my posts for entertainment’s sake, you can do that here. Hope you find it enjoyable.