[The posts for this month are reposts from the site www.honotogroabemo.org, on which a host of hirsute individuals including yours truly would grow beards to raise money for breast cancer research. The site is defunct, but I thought I’d resurrect the game-related posts. This was originally posted on 2011-11-14.]
So after Mur hit the deer, I thought it would be best if I started looking into armor technology. Plate mail being a bit on the pricey side, maybe another kind of mail would work. Then again, given the amount of chain I have, it’d be more suitable for a miniature car.
There were some obscure clues to yesterday’s game in the text. The Isle of Apples is Avalon. And a mountain, not a Hill. And of course, the Outdoors. The game itself is Outdoor Survival, published in 1972 by Avalon Hill. As you might expect, it’s a game about surviving in the wilderness, from finding food and water, fighting off animals, and dealing exposure and disease. Not having played it myself, I can’t really comment on the quality of the game, but it’s not rated very well on Board Game Geek. That said, according to the Avalon Hill company history it sold quite well, particularly at National Parks.
So why mention it? Well, it happens to be tied to a far more famous and well-respected game. As does today’s game.
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